Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Message from the Department of Health

Dear School and Childcare Principals and Administrators:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have updated the interim guidance
( for schools and childcare facilities regarding the prevention of the spread of the novel influenza A (H1N1) virus.

At this time, CDC and the Hawai'i Department of Health (DOH) recommend that the primary means to reduce the spread of influenza, whether seasonal or the novel H1N1, in schools is to:
* Focus on early identification of ill students and staff
* Remind students, faculty, and staff to stay home when ill
* Students, faculty, and staff with influenza-like illness (fever with a cough or sore throat)
should stay home and not attend school or go into the community (except to seek medical
care) for at least 7 days after symptom onset, even if symptoms resolve sooner
* Students, faculty, and staff who are still sick 7 days after they become ill should continue to
stay home from school until at least 24 hours after symptoms have resolved
* Students, faculty, and staff who appear to have an influenza-like illness at arrival or become
ill during the school day should be isolated promptly in a room separate from other students
and sent home as soon as possible.
* Practice good cough and hand hygiene etiquette

DOH concurs with the current recommendation by CDC to not close schools or cancel large gatherings. However, in view of upcoming graduation and commencement activities, as a means to prevent the spread of disease on and off campus, schools should strongly encourage persons with influenza-like illness to stay home and away from large gatherings.

Persons who are at high risk of complications from novel influenza A (H1N1) infection (e.g. persons with certain chronic medical conditions, persons aged less than 5 years or older than 65, and pregnant women) may want to consider their risk of exposure to novel influenza A (H1N1) if they attend public gatherings.

Please notify the DOH Disease Investigation Branch of unusually high absenteeism due to flu-like illness (10% or more of the school population and/or 20% or more in an individual classroom) at (808) 586-4586.

This is a rapidly evolving situation, made more confusing by the fact that seasonal influenza continues to also circulate in our population. Guidance will continue to be updated as more information becomes available. Please refer to the CDC novel H1N1 website for more information: If you have any further questions, please call the DOH Swine Flu hotline at (866) 767-5044. We appreciate your assistance in ensuring the health of the children, educational staff, and communities of Hawai'i.

Sarah Y. Park, M.D., F.A.A.P
State Epidemiologist

HHSAA Track and Field

Congratulations to our Lady Raider Track & Field team. Our team of 8 girls finished their season, 5th place in the State. Zhane Santiago is the 2009 State Champion in the 100 Meter High Hurdles and the Triple Jump. Great Job Ladies! Big Mahalos to all for your support through out this season. GO BIG RED - RED RAIDERS FOR LIFE!! - G. Spurrier

Graduation practice

Seniors! The graduation practices are as follows:
Tuesday May 26th 8:00-2:20 PM in the gym ( we will be taking attendance each day of practice) we will be learning the senior medley to perform at graduation and we will figure out seating assignments so its very important that you be there!
Wednesday May 27th 8:00-2:20 you will need to be at Kahuku by 8:00 AM and then we will bus over to BYUH CAC. We will practice from 8:30-11:30 and then the bus will bring you back to Kahuku where we will have lunch and have water activities at upper field until 2:20
Thursday May 28th practice will be at BYUH CAC from 8:00-12:00 and you will be released at 12:00. You must report back to BYUH CAC at 4:30 PM and then Commencement will be that night at 6:00 PM
Graduation attire per your senior contract is as follows:
Men- white dress shirt, black dress pants, black socks and black shoes
Women- white knee length dress, white shoes or sandals (NO rubber slippers)
You need to pick up a parent permission form at Q-2 or P-20 for Wednesday and Thursday practices. Principal Donna Lindsey is requiring that seniors be on campus a full day. In order to be released early on Wednesday you must have your parent contact the school to request an off campus pass for you to leave BYUH. Mahalo for your cooperation! - D. Kaahaaina

Graduation requirements

Dear Parents,

We hope things are going well as we approach the ending of the school year. We hope your child is doing well with his/her classes as (s)he prepares for the senior year. An informational meeting is planned to discuss important matters regarding senior year, especially things that must be done during the summer. In the meeting we will discuss the following:

1. High School Graduation Requirement –
Kahuku vs Board of Education Diploma
2. Promotion policy and how to make up credits
3. 2009 – 2010 Bell schedule
4. Senior Agreement
5. Athletic Grade Check - Kahuku and OIA Rules
6. NCAA Requirement
7. Scholarships

We hope to provide you with helpful information to better prepare your son/daughter for a successful senior year. We look forward to see you at the meeting and hope you can make necessary arrangements to attend. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.


Pat Macadangdang, Finau Hafoka,
Vice Principal 11th. Grade Counselor
293-8950 Ext. 252 293-8950 Ext. 375 - F. Hafoka